Online Security Guarantee
In the unlikely event you experience a loss resulting from an unauthorized online banking transaction, we offer an Online Banking Security Guarantee for account losses provided you have met your security responsibilities. We've made a commitment to keep your online transactions as safe as possible. The safeguards we’ve put in place to protect the security, privacy, and integrity of your information include:
- Secure firewalls help prevent unauthorized access.
- Data encryption to help ensure that your information is safe and secure.
- Around-the-clock monitoring to maintain the quality of our systems and proactively help identify unusual member account activity.

We can't do it alone (your security responsibilities)
You are automatically covered by the Online Banking Security Guarantee provided you meet your security responsibilities in the member agreements you have with us.
The following documents address your responsibilities, and procedures for addressing unauthorized transactions:
Personal Direct Services Agreement
Small Business Direct Services Agreement
You play a vital role in protecting your security when using online banking on a computer, mobile device or tablet. While we implement safeguards to protect the security, privacy and integrity of your information, there are important safeguards that you should take to help protect your information and prevent loss:
- You must maintain the care, control and confidentiality of your user name(s) and password(s) that you use to access your accounts.
- User name includes your account number, personal image etc.
- Personal Access Code (PAC) includes the passwords created to access your online banking account(s), answers to security questions created to access your computer, mobile device or tablet.
- Ensure your browser and operating systems are up to date. Software updates often contain fixes to make software more secure.
- You should not provide personal information while using public WiFi as the WiFi connection may not be secure.
- Use Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware programs to help protect your computer, mobile device or tablet.
- Only install software from reputable companies and only install mobile applications from your mobile device's or tablet’s app store.
This is important:
We are not responsible for losses resulting from your failure to meet your security responsibilities. For example, where you:
- voluntarily disclose your account number or personal access code
- carelessly or improperly handle, store, or disclose your account number or personal access code
- fail to immediately call or visit us at any branch in the event of the following:
- loss, theft, misuse, or compromise of your account number, personal access code, mobile device, or tablet
- if you suspect unauthorized activity has occurred in your account(s)
Be sure to check your account(s) on a regular basis to verify you authorized all transactions.
Strong password (PAC):
With password security standards evolving, it is important to update your personal access code (PAC) often. To support members we recommend using a long, more complex PAC. It's important to manually update your password, or use the Self-Serve PAC Reset option that allows you to reset a forgotten PAC easily and securely.
- Do you use QuickView? You must remove QuickView prior to upgrading your PAC and then re-enable once your PAC has been changed. Failure to do this step, may result in a failed login attempt. Don't forget to clear your cache, if you are using the Mobile Banking app.
- Why do I need to change my PAC? As an added layer of protection, it is important to ensure your password meets the new security standards
- What happens if I forget my new PAC? You can reset by clicking on the Forgot your PAC? link just below the PAC field on the MemberDirect® login screen. Once you click this link, you will be asked to confirm your identity and will then be given the option to choose a new personal access code.
Wondering how to build a strong password? Check out the tips below on how to keep your account information secure:
- Ensure your passwords are not similar to other active passwords.
- Store your log-in information in a secure password manager app; do not write them down or store them in you phone.
- Never share log-in information with another person.
- Don’t use meaningful dates, names, or places as a password.
- Avoid common patterns such as capitalizing the first letter or putting a number at the end.
Did you know? A 12-character password takes 62 trillion times longer to crack than an 8-character password. Want to know how your financial security measures up? Take our quiz to find out how you're doing.
We’re always here to help
If you think there has been inappropriate activity in your account, you must notify us immediately at 1-866-990-4044 or vcu.admin@valleycreditunion.com. For the security of your account, if you contact us by email please do not include account number(s). We do ask that you provide your contact information and a brief description of the issue. We will follow up with you directly to get the details necessary to fully investigate the matter.