Valley Credit Union Ltd. (Valley Credit Union, Valley CU, VCU), the Valley Credit Union logo, MemberDirect® and all other trademarks and trade names of Valley Credit Union appearing on this web site are owned by (or licensed to) Valley Credit Union and may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not approved by Valley Credit Union, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion, or in any manner that disparages or discredits Valley Credit Union.
HANDS & GLOBE Design is a registered certification mark owned by the World Council of Credit Unions, used under license. ACCULINK, ACCULINK Hand and Card Design, HEADSTART, MEMBERDIRECT Design are registered trademarks, MEMBER CARD and ICU are registered certification marks owned by Credit Union Central of Canada, used under license.
Interac® and Interac e-Transfer® are registered trademark of Interac, Inc, used under license.
Apple®, Apple Pay®, Apple Wallet®, Voiceover®, iPhone®, and App Store® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., used under license in the United States and other countries.
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RSA® is a registered trademark owned by RSA Security LLC.
Samsung™ is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
iOS® is a registered trademark Cisco Technology, Inc.
Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Deposit Anywhere™ is a registered trademark of Central 1 Credit Union.
Lock’N’Block® is a registered trademark of Everlink Payment Services Inc.
®MEMBER CARD and design are registered certification marks owned by Canadian Credit Union Association, used under license.