Our members are our top priority. For over 25 years, we’ve been dedicated to supporting local projects and fostering the development, well-being, and quality of life in our region. We’re committed to keeping the media, local radio stations, newspapers, our members, and the community informed with important updates. For more information, media resources or inquiries, please contact: marketing@valleycreditunion.com
Media Resources, Press Releases, Partnerships, and Membership Notices.
November 12, 2024: Best in Customer Service Excellence for 20 consecutive years - Ipsos Financial Service Excellence Awards
October 24, 2024: Your credit union is embarking on an initiative to build a stronger banking system. Learn more about how we are Building Better Banking and important member updates and actions required, by visiting our website.
July 10, 2024: Notice to members who have used the Inter Credit Union (ICU) Service. Effective August 6, 2024, this service will no longer be available at CUA
February 5, 2024: Valley Credit Union Changes Operating Hours for the Bridgetown and Middleton Branches
November 15, 2023: Valley Credit Union is excited to announce our commitment to expanding access to in-branch services at their branches in Middleton and Bridgetown. Valley Credit Union Commits to Enhancing In-Branch Services
October 2023: As a collaboration among credit unions, Valley Credit Union committed to $20,000 over 3-years to the VON for their new VON Connect digital platform. Read more: von.ca/en/VONconnect
June 10, 2021: Valley Credit Union Awarded the Esteemed Coady Award for the Year 2020
June 7, 2021 Notice of Special Meeting of Members: A Special Meeting of Members of Valley Credit Union will be held Thursday the 25th of April at 6:00 PM at the Waterville and District Fire Hall. This meeting has been called in accordance with section 67 of the Credit Union Act (the “Act”) to consider a Special Resolution approved by the
Board and relating to the following: After careful consideration, the Board of Valley Credit Union Limited (the “Credit Union” or "VCU") passed a Board Resolution on February 27, 2024 proposing to amend the By-Laws of the Credit Union as follows:
A1.02 The Board of VCU may refuse to accept any application for membership if they are satisfied that it is not in the interest of VCI to accept the application.To be replaced with: A1.02 The Board of VCU or its designate may refuse to accept any application for membership if they are satisfied that it is not in the interest of VCU to accept the application.A2.01 The Board of VCU may terminate the membership or associate status of individual(s), corporation or association in accordance with s59 of the Act.
To be replaced with: A2.01 The Board of VCU or its designate may terminate the membership or associate status of individual(s), corporation or association in accordance with s59 of the Act. This is to further advise that every Member has the right to dissent to the proposed Resolution in the manner fully described in the Act. We encourage all Members to participate in this important meeting. Andrea Martin, Chair Board of Directors
May 25, 2021: Three Nova Scotia Credit Unions Announce Proposed Merger
April 23, 2021: Valley Credit Union hosted its 2021 Annual General Meeting via Zoom on April 22, 2021
February 24, 2021: Valley Credit Union makes $1,000 Donation Towards an NSCC- Kingstec Campus Student Fundraiser in Support of Fundy Interchurch Food Bank
February 22, 2021: Valley Credit Union Makes $20,000 Donation to Coldest Night of the Year
February 4, 2021: No holds on cash deposits at Valley Credit Union ATMs
September 12, 2019: Valley Credit Union Welcomes Heather Montgomery as Senior Commercial Relationship Manager
May 9, 2019: Valley Credit Union Sponsors the Hantsport Memorial Community Centre
April 24, 2019: Valley Credit Union Members “Raised” Almost $10,000 for Canadian Mental Health Association Branches in the Annapolis Valley
Head Office Contact Information
Main Telephone Number: 902-538-4510 or Toll Free 1-866-990-4044
Valley Credit Union Limited 5682 Hwy 1, Waterville Nova Scotia B0P 1V0
Valley Credit Union Limited (Valley CU) is a member of the Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation (CUDIC), which at $250,000, provides the highest deposit insurance protection in Nova Scotia, Canada. Mortgage License #3000173
© Copyright 2025 Valley Credit Union Ltd. All rights reserved. Serving members in the Nova Scotia Western Zone or Annapolis Valley Region, including but not limited to Annapolis County, Kings County, and Hantsport in West Hants County.
® / ™ Trademarks are owned by, or use is authorized by, the Canadian Credit Union Association and Atlantic Central.